The filmmaking process



Laying the right groundwork is essential to developing a great video. Pre-production is where we figure out the best game plan for your business. We decide on the video concept, the style, create the script, cast any actors, decide on a location and lock down all other details involved with how the actual video is going to look, sound, and perform.



It's time to rock and roll! Now that we have the road map developed in the pre-production stage, it’s time to put it all together in front of the cameras. We'll arrive at the set location early to set-up any/all equipment, such as lighting, stands, cameras, backdrops etc. Then it's time to do what we do best - film a great video!



If the Production/Filming Day is putting all the ingredients together to bake the cake from the recipe developed in pre-production, then post-production is turning on that oven, putting the icing on that cake and making it look irresistibly delicious. Our editorial post-production kicks in to shape your story, handle color-correction, record any voice overs, clean up the audio, add music, create graphics and in general make sure your video looks exactly like we planned in pre-production.